Saturday, March 5, 2011

Man Who Had 80 Cats: It Wasn't Fair To The Animals, It Wasn't Fair To Me

The scenes are horrific. Inside the homes of animal hoarders, the living conditions aren't just uncomfortable, they're toxic for the animals and the people who keep them.

In our special report, we went beyond the shock value to look at the source of the problem.

"The cats have taken over, the dogs have taken over," says Michelle McNatt, a volunteer animal rescuer.

"The first thing you notice when you have someone hoarding between 70 and 80 cats is not what you see, it's what you smell," said Jennifer Chudy, a volunteer animal rescuer.

"One of the cases, the lady started with five cats and in three years she was over 100," said Dr. Wendy Swift, Veterinary Medical Director with the Humane Society of West Michigan.

"The question needs to be asked, is any life better than no life?" said Jane Nathanson, an expert counselor and researcher of animal hoarders..." More

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