Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Volunteers Nurse Starving Animals Back to Health

Saturday, volunteers were nursing dozens of animals back to health at the State Fairgrounds after investigators seized them from two local farms.

Gallatin-based Volunteer Equine Advocates is caring for the animals that were taken in two separate cases. In one case, the agency says the Wilson County Sheriff's Department called and asked for their help after an email complaint launched an investigation into three starving adult horses and a foal in the Liberty community.

Volunteers picked up the two adult horses and the foal Friday. The other horse has not been seen. Care-givers for the animals say they are in very bad shape.

"They're walking skeletons. You can see the ribs, not just feel them. You can see the ribs; you can see the back bone; you can see the hip bones prominent," said a representative from Volunteer Equine Advocate, Jamie Clifton.

The owner of those three horses could face animal cruelty charges. Those animals will now be moved to Volunteer Equine Advocates over the next couple of days..." More

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