Monday, January 30, 2012

Gladewater to write animal ordinance - Texas

Frederick Williams owns one dog and doesn't like the idea of the city telling him or anyone else what to do.
"If a person can care for 40 animals, I think he should be able to possess those animals," he said. "I don't think the city should intervene on how many pets a person can afford."
But Gladewater officials say they have no choice.
"There's really not any ordinance about how many animals per size of lot or anything like that," Police Chief Farrell Alexander said.
He said the city gets complaints about noise and smell because there's no cap on animal ownership.  
Currently, the city council is using Longview as a guide.
Animal Advocate Belinda Wiggins advised Longview's mayor on new ordinances in 2010.
"We want to strengthen those ordinances to protect the safety and welfare of the animal and to protect the public," she said. "Six dogs and six cats per house. Combination cats and dogs. Not six cats and six dogs a combination."
She said the people of Gladewater could benefit greatly from something like a six animal limit..."  More

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